Pre Primary

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Pre Primary

The age where foundation for a strong future is built is an extreme tender one. This is the age where a child learns to learn. Thus, the Pre- Primary school is extremely delicate choice. Mount Litera Zee School Bihta, being the best pre primary school in Patna for children comprises of Nursery, Lower and Upper Kindergarten (LKG and UKG). The Mount Litera Zee School Pre-Primary curriculum is delivered through the ILLUME methodology that was identified and perfected in a sister concern of MLZS, Kidzee, Indian’s largest pre-school chain.

Mount Litera Zee School Bihta works on the basis of ILLUME pedagogy. We believe and make sure that the world believes on certain facts about kids.

1. Kids have that desire of learning.

2. The children have potential of changing the future of the country.

3. Every child is unique, an exclusive piece.

4. Observation is the key to unlock learning for lifetime.

And the most important thing is that every second kid has a different way of constructing knowledge. Keeping all that in focus, the ‘ILLLUME’ curriculum puts emphases on the developmental milestones in the zones of cognitive, linguistic, creative, social and physical development. The main benefit of this type of learning is that it leads a child to have query of seeking answers or to find answers on one’s own.